Just cannot find time to get in a 90-minute ride or to ride at all. Don’t like to ride in the AM while it is dark. Parent’s do not allow you to ride alone on the streets or no way to get to some single track?
Can one supplement running/jogging for cycling time?Yes:
But, you have to start early – build a base – develop a foundation and stick with it.
Cannot do the above – purchase a stationary trainer.
You have to start slow and easy with 15 minute jogs 3 times a week. Work up to a 30-minute run/jog three times a week.
Does running for training slow down a cyclist?Yes – if you train as a cyclist with 7 to 14 hour training weeks it does. But, if you have time to average 9-hour training weeks on your bike you do not need to supplement your training miles with running.
No – Running is the best bang for your buck aerobically if you have limited time to train. Not interested in arguing about this ….. A twenty minute jog is like a 45 minute easy to moderate bike ride. Yes, running/jogging throws off your cycling leg motion. At first yes it does. Big time! After two seasons of Xterra Triathlons I personally have adjusted.
How to do this – consistency. Keep running 3 times a week and keep riding. Once you graduate from a jog to actually being able to run throw in some 12 to 15 minute threshold training runs – all in a 30-minute time frame. Try that on a bike. This threshold training translates to fitness on the bike.
How to keep the cycling legs going in those nice circles of power. On your easy days do cadence drills and arrange to do a 20 to 40 minute bike session of a cadence of 90 rpm or higher. Do not jog/run within two days of a race. Figure the rest out for yourself….
Some people just can’t run without pain – If you just do not have the ability to get on the bike and running is an option give it three weeks and see how it goes for you.
Not responsible for injury, sore Achilles, strained calf muscles or bad attitudes. It’s up to you. This is my explanation: So you only have time to ride the bike 5 hrs a week due to travel time to ride, darkness or not wanting to ride on the streets.
Incorporate running into your program. At the training level of 5 hrs a week or less on the bike the increased training you get from running is better than not riding your bike. Again if you are riding 9+ hours a week running is not going to help you unless you’re training for a triathlon or just a little crazy.
Remember if you are not consistent with running at least twice a week delete this information from your memory.